• environmental headshot, pale eyes, woman business, williams tower, deutser houston headshot blonde male blue suit, Woman Dentist headshot with long hair and big eyes in front of logo, african american headshot natural hair leasing agent
  • Shushana Castle, author headshot, glasses and brown hair, outdoor headshot, studio lighting in front of green plants, blue suit casual, fitness model headshot, blonde male,dramatic, dramatic model actress female woman headshot

Need a Powerful Headshot?

We will catch you in your best light!

At Chris Spicks Photography, we will customize your headshot to fit the exact look you need. Whether you are marketing yourself or applying to a company with strict standards, we will catch you in your best light.

The Studio Experience
Rates start at $150

The Adventure to You
Rates start at $200 (within 30 mi)

Group Rates
Group Rates can be as low as $75 per person. 
We still take great pride in the editing process of perfecting your most valuable asset.

Contact us today to set up a consultation
or to reserve your next head shot.


Shushana Castle, author headshot, glasses and brown hair
outdoor headshot, studio lighting in front of green plants, blue suit casual
environmental headshot, pale eyes, woman business, williams tower
Black and white side lit indian beard headshot
deutser houston headshot blonde male blue suit
fitness model headshot, blonde male,dramatic
Young teenage actress model headshot, curly shoulder length hair, white button up
black and white headshot indian beautiful eyes
beautiful model actress headshot brown hair white background
Woman Dentist headshot with long hair and big eyes in front of logo
dramatic model actress female woman headshot
african american headshot natural hair leasing agent
Chris Spicks Photography Logo

Ready to Discuss Your Photoshoot?

Schedule a Call!

Do Phone Calls Make You Anxious?

We will respond to you within 24 hours!

If you need Immediate assistance, feel free to give us a call at 281-789-3129 - be advised that we may be with a client, or in the middle of a shoot and unable to answer. You can also use the Facebook Messenger Chat feature at the bottom right and we will get back to you asap. Our preferred option is to set up a call, so we can give you the attention that your shoot deserves.