Today I want to talk to you about anxiety. It lives inside all of us, and rears its ugly head at all kinds of inopportune moments. Well I am here to tell you that on your shoot day, I have got your back. Nerves are a natural thing and it makes sense that you’d have some butterflies in your belly before hopping in front of a stranger’s camera. We try to not be strangers by getting you on the phone before the shoot, so we can at least give voices to names. You will probably pick up on some of our goofiness during this phone call! We have an about us page that you’re welcome to check out as well, to put faces to names. The team is full of quirky creatives, who are fun on set and don’t take themselves too seriously. We hope that provides some comfort to you the day of your photoshoot.

Being nervous before the shoot is totally natural, but fear not you are in more than capable hands the day of. If you are feeling nervous in the days leading up to your photoshoot, then lean into selfcare. I know it may sound silly but truly practicing some self compassion can go a long way in settling those butterflies. Maybe try telling yourself some affirmations in the mirror like I am strong or I am beautiful. These little things can go a long way in helping you feel more comfortable in your own skin, and make the process of the photoshoot go a lot smoother. Have a bath, drink some champagne, and light some candles, (or whatever your version of self care is) just take some time to dedicate to you and remind yourself of all the reasons why you are awesome and deserving of amazing things.

The day of your photoshoot you will be in our professional care. We have years of experience and use it to help you feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. We emphasize the experience of the shoot because it is a good time. We will laugh and crack jokes, listen to music; it’ll be fun! That’s why clients love working with us, because we are fun and silly people who you’ll have a great time with and the photos are just your souvenir of the day. Trust in us, we have your back.